Flossing: A Tool for Better Health

Flossing: A Tool for Better Health

Cleaning between your teeth and along your gums with dental floss is just as important as using your toothbrush. Although many people complain about flossing or completely avoid doing it, there should be no excuse for neglecting this part of your dental hygiene...
Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

About 20 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, a long-term lung disease that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways. The condition has been linked to oral health, with patients having increased risk for cavities, gum problems, and bad breath. One of...
Caring for your Dental Veneers

Caring for your Dental Veneers

A popular way to improve your smile by hiding embarrassing flaws is to get porcelain veneers. These thin shells are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth, and can stay looking natural and appealing for a lifetime with proper care. Here are some guidelines for...